Chester to Cupar: The Story.

Having lost out on our first “dream home” due to Lockdown 1 and being unable to travel, therefore, visit or view… We had kept our eye loosely on the market for our next ‘forever’ home not actually expecting to find it before we were 40! So when this house popped up we knew we had to act quickly! It was very hush hush at first as I didn’t want to jinx anything until things were slightly more set in stone (excuse the pun)


Moving house is never smooth sailing or easy but this transaction hit EVERY hurdle there was to hit. Complete nightmare, but the stress was all worth it in the end.

We moved in on January 18th and within 24 hours we had started demolishing walls and ripping out kitchens! Priority No1 was to get Fempower up and running again ASAP so I could get back to work.

Just a fraction of the destruction we caused in our first week!


With Aiden registered in his new nursery, it finally gave me some free time to screw my head back on and start thinking about myself and getting some form of new routine in place for my own sanity! (I’d been ‘off work’ for 2 months by now!)


Roll forward 3 weeks to now! And the studio is all finished and painted, ready for my new clients to step through the door on Monday!


It’s been a labour of love to create this space, somewhere that women will feel empowered, motivated and comfortable. I cannot wait to welcome my new ladies to Fempower. Im so excited for their journeys that are only just begginig! Watch this space for some new and inspiring transformations and testimonials very soon!


Have a fantastic weekend!

Suse x


Prioritising Your Tasks.