• Do I need a gym membership?

    Not unless you want to join a gym! Again this will be goal dependant, but for many beginers and those just wanting to improve their general wellbeing and fitness, a membership to a commercial gym isnt required.

  • How do i know im doing my exercises properly?

    By communication with me via voice notes and videos. When performing new exercises or variations on your existing exercises I will require you to video these for me to ensure correct form and tempo.

  • How quickly do you respond to messages?

    Always within 24h. I may not reply to messages after 6pm or at the weekend instantly as this is my family time. If something is urgent I will get back to you as soon as I can.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    For 121 sessions I require 24 hours notice otherwise the session cannot be moved.

    I require 4 weeks notice before the termination of a contract.

  • How often do we 'check-in'?

    This depends on you, your frequency of training and your goals. Usually once each week or fortnight for pictures and measures. Otherwise it can be goal dependant or cycle dependant. This applies to onilne coaching and 121 personal training.

  • What if i miss a schedulled workout?

    No biggy! Life happens. If you miss a workout and are able to catch up in the same week then do so. However, f missing a workout becomes a regular occurence then we may need to address training frequency

  • Will you post my pictures on social media?

    Only if you are happy for me to do so. Your progress pictures will remain confidential between you and I. When you have a transformation or review to share then I will always get your approval before posting.

  • How Often Are Programs Updated?

    Again this is dependant on your goals and your results from checking in regualarly. If you are making good progress with your weights, reps, measurements and fitness... Then we keep at it!

  • Do I Need To Meal Prep?

    Depending on your goals and your lifestyle this could be an option for you! Everything we do together will be tailored to your specific needs and ability, especially around nutiriton. What works best for you may not be best for another person.

  • I Need Results FAST... Can You Help?

    If you have an impeding holiday, date, wedding or other event requiring you to suddenly FEEL FABULOUS then this needs further consultation to manage expectations, effort and outcome.

  • What If I dont Live Near You?

    If you are a suitable fit for online coaching then that could be an option to explore. However, if 121 personal training and exercise coaching is what you need, then I can help you make an informed decision about a local trainer in your area with experience and credentials.

  • How Do I pay?

    Payments are made by BACS transfer on a monthly basis. If you want to pay differently then this needs to be discussed.

  • Do You Do Home Vists?

    Unfortunately, due to the time taken to travel between appointments this is not something I currently offer.

  • What happens if I go on Holiday?

    We schedule any sessions you would miss during that period into the week before and after to ensure you stay on track with your goals.