Tacielle S.

When Susan asked me to write a review I really didn't know where to start as there are no words I can use to describe how Susan has changed my life, for the better.

I have been training with Susan for nearly 7 months, at first I wanted to train just to get back into the gym after gaining lots of weight due to a medical disorder. Susan from day one was always one phone call or message away to pick up my spirits and believe.

Before training I had lost so much confidence, belief and was suffering from such bad anxiety. The programme Susan has put into place for me has seen me shed off over 12kg, 6.4% of body fat but what I have gained the most whilst working with Susan is belief, belief in myself, belief in my abilities and that I can achieve anything if I put my mind to it.

I cannot wait to keep this new healthy lifestyle and conquer more challenges and keep pushing my mind and body.

Thank you Susan for allowing me to believe in myself again


Joe P.